

Nichtevet (2015-2019)
performance based on the album Nictevet
performed at few Public Library at Jerusalem. curator :Moran Aviv
picture:Snir Kazir

" Private " (2014,2017)
for harp violin, voice and installation.
concert of ' Israeli Women Composers Forum'
"Dora's Dreams"
curator:Anat Pick
at Felicja Blumental music center, Tlv.
about the piece "Private" [hebrew]
performed as part of Darom Festival, 2017

multi disciplinary performance event
by Anat Levin and Adaya Godlevsky
performed at Levontin 7 and at Arabic-Hebrew Theater in Jaffa

sound installation on stage
by Eili Levi and Adaya Godlevsky.
Created for the exhibition "Landscapes Acoustic 2" Minshar Gallery Tel Aviv.

by Adaya Godlevsky
a stage creation performed at the "Tmuna" Theatre in Tel Aviv.
and at "Orpheus in Jaffa" Arabic-Hebrew Theater in Jaffa

"מעברים" (Passages)
by Adaya Godlevsky
a creation for contrabass and cello, created for and performed as part of the Shaar International Festival (organized by the Helicon Society for the Advancement of Poetry in Israel)

by Adaya Godlevsky
a creation for a dancer, singer and cellist, performed at an Inter-disciplinary evening by the "Tmuna" theatre and at the "Voice of the Word" Festival at the Inter-disciplinary Forum in Jerusalem

by Adaya Godlevsky
for an actor, actress, trapeze artist, and two musicians, created for and performed at the "Haramat Massage" Festival at the Susan Dallal Center in Tel Aviv
"שולחן ערוך"[ table set]
by Adaya Godlevsky
outside\insaid work.
an arrangement combining video and movement, created for the "Voice of the Word" Festival in Jerusalem

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